Friday, May 15, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!

Holy Cow!! I do not know where to start! We are sooo shocked and excited for our precious little Madeline Patton!! We went in for our 18 week checkup and ultrasound today and came out with the biggest surprise!! Seth and I both thought Baby Dunne was going to be a boy...have only looked at boy nursery ideas and have even bought a few boy outfits. Well...WRONG!! I think it will take a little while for it to really sink in, but we couldn't be happier!

We had planned on going into all of our doctor's appointments alone but when it came down to it..we had to have our mothers there. Seth and I went in the ultrasound room by ourselves at first to make sure everything is healthy and to find out the sex. I gulped down a huge glass of sweet tea in the waiting room to get her moving and it worked. She was flipping all over the place but is certainly going to be stubborn we know because for a while she refused to untuck her little feet from under her bottom. (Gah, I just said bottom!) She finally participated and she is definitely a girl!! Mama and Miss Susan came in and saw her on the screen and were just as surprised as we are. It was such a precious moment for all of us! We immediately called my daddy and our siblings with the news, texted our friends, and updated our Facebook statuses. Seth and I went in to see Dr. Helen and she said we are both as healthy as could be and she would see us back in 4 weeks!!

As soon as we left Mobile Infirmary, Mama and I went straight to Villa Dauphin where my dear sweet friend, Amanda had gorgeous pink and cream silk and linen fabrics and bedding ideas all laid out for us. It was perfect! We have to take measurements, paint, order and we will be on our way to pink princess heaven!! Afterwards we went to two children stores and bought 3 outfits. It was one of the most special days I have ever had in my life and it will only get better!! I will be sure to update and post some nursery ideas ASAP!! TOOTLES!!

1 comment:

Tiff and Seth said...

Yea for a girl!! I think I'm having a we will see! I also LOVE the name, so cute!!