Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Spooktacular Halloween

Hi Everyone!! As everyone in America right now, Seth and I are trying to cut back on some luxuries such as trips so we stayed in this weekend instead of making the long hike to Huntsville. We have given our home lots of much needed TLC this weekend!! Our yard and house are finally spotless and the front porch is finally decorated for fall!!! Its about time too, because I have had everything just laying out there for at least 3 weeks!! As we were spending the day outside we met several of our new neighbors and of course got hit up by the boyscouts and cubscouts selling their annual popcorn.

For the past two years we have been the co-hosts of a Halloween party in West Mobile and we are just burned out. After all the baby, wedding, and football parties that we host, we decided we wouldn't do it this year. We are thinking of enjoying our new little trick-or-treaters, party hopping around Mid-town and helping our old roomies (Paul and Amanda) decorate for their's!! In the past I have gone as Rainbow Bright and a Wizard of Oz Scarecrow and Seth as the Toothfairy and Spiderman!! We are usually very proactive when it comes to getting our costumes but this year...we waited until the last minute but turned out pretty great. I was a 1920's Flapper named Talula Dynamite and Seth was a perfect Napolean Dynamite. Happy Halloween!!

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